Tuesday, March 2, 2010

D day

The due date has come and gone, and still no baby. I am two days late right now, and the back pain, contractions (but without rhythm) and discomfort is becoming debilitating. I am scheduled for an induction on Thursday (March 4) and while it is nice to know there is an end in sight, I also feel some sadness at missing out on the spontaneous labor experience; the excitement of the first regular contractions, the race to the hospital, the unknown. But the planner in me loves the fact that my mother arrived tonight, the kids' clothes have been laid out for the next three days, their schedule has been written, backpacks packed, laundry done, and house all cleaned up. Going into labor on my own in the next 36 hours would be perfection. But we'll see! I have grown increasingly tired of the anxiety of everyone around me about the arrival of the baby, and want to scream "I WANT HER TO COME MORE THAN ANY OF YOU, and if I knew WHEN it was going to happen I would be a billionaire!!!! BUT THANKS FOR ASKING!"
The kids have grown with excitement each day and while I know there will be jealousy, I hope they will love their baby sister as much as they think they will!

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