Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jackson's new favorite game...

goes like this:
Jackson (out of nowhere): Hey Mom, how 'bout a bunny on top of a car on top of a cake?!? (chuckle, laugh, snort, hand over mouth that's just SOOOOO funny!)
Me: Hey Jack, how 'bout a bunny on top of a car on top of a cake on top of a POTTY!?!
Jackson: (HAHAHA! SNORT, cackle) Hey Mom, how 'bout a bunny on top of a car on top of a cake on top of a POTTY on top of the OCEAN?!? (hahaha, squeak, snort, hilarity ensues)
Me: Hey Jack, how 'bout a bunny with a dirty diaper on his head?!?
Jack: (in a silly Adam Sandleresque voice) Aw, man, how can you even TALK about that?

Apparently dirty diapers are going too far. Who knew?

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